
Innovation for Smart Living

Clean energy, renewable energy and circular economy

The world has been developed and driven by capitalism for more than two centuries. Business and industrial sectors have competed freely to produce products which meet consumer demand. The more the world population grows, the more natural resources are used. Boundless consumption does not only make natural resources scarce but affects the world and environment in many ways. That gives rise to the problems of industrial waste, pollution and various residues in the air and waters, and causing severe natural disasters as a result of the climate change. These are problems creeping closer to us.

Crisis sparks global care trend

As those problems are becoming more critical, the idea of saving the world and the environment has emerged from the private and public sectors. Conducting a business in a socially responsible manner has become a new standard for businesses around the world. 

That spurs the technological development which focuses on the cost-effective use of resources by reusing materials, finding alternative energy sources and dealing with the pollution problems in an overall endeavour to become a Bio Circular Green Economy to reduce the impacts on the world in a sustainable manner.

Thailand offers smart innovations friendly to the world 

Today, many Thai people have come together to create a new world with innovations to create a life that takes into account the environment, circular economy, clean and renewable energy. Some examples are the packaging made from natural materials, bio-degradable plastics from pineapple flour, renewable energy from heaters, turning waste from food processing to produce a product, innovation in environmental management and waste elimnination, etc.

There are many other works which Thai people have invented to make the world and the environment better. Innovation for Smart Living is an innovation that allows people and the environment to coexist with sustainability.


In addition, there are Thai innovations which make life happier. The Innovation Thailand will introduce them and opening up new perspectives for many good things which are the works of Thais next time.