
Innovation for Crafted Living

"Innovation for Crafted Living"

The world today is changing in many dimensions. While technology is developing rapidly to respond to the way of life and well-being of the people in the society, but on the other hand it causes various impacts. These impacts include environmental damages, the aggravation of natural disasters arising from climate change, the occurrence of emerging diseases that spread widely across the globe which does not only affect the hygiene but the economy, society and lifestyles of people around the world. The Covid-19 outbreak has especially had critical repercussions to the world.

Crises allow Thai people to show their potential in innovation. 

In the midst of a crisis, there are always new opportunities. The crisis around the world at this time enables us to see the innovation potential of Thai people in various fields which can deal with the situations. This arises from the innovative DNA that is the hallmark of Thai people who are meticulous in life from the past to the present – a quality which is recognised around the world. This is reflected by the innovation of Thai craftsmanship that has been created with exquisiteness in every detail to meet the needs of making life comfortable, happy and refined.

Today, the Innovation Thailand brings new perspectives to the Thai innovations which have been elaborately developed in various forms to help make everyone's life better. These are known as the Innovation for Crafted Living which consists of seven aspects: 

  • Innovation for Healthy Living
  • Innovation for Safe Living
  • Innovation for Easy Living
  • Innovation for Smart Living
  • Innovations for Connected Living
  • Innovation for Wealthy Living
  • Innovation for Happy Living

Today let's prove that Thailand is ready to deal with any crisis happening in the world including the pandemic, climate change or even economic crisis, although the world has changed. Thailand is ready to move forward and can be self-sufficient with Thai innovations that can meet the perfect lifestyle in every situation.