Innovation for Crafted Living

Healthy Living

Absorbent spa scrub made from ginger and dalan fibers


Absorbent spa scrub made from ginger and dalan fibers

Fibers from ginger and Dalah plant are used to make this spa scrub. The production begins by putting Rhizome which has passed the process of producing instant ginger powder, or Dalah, through the process of reflux and hydrothermal to make it suitable for use as a scrub.  Then study the surface characteristics of adsorbent material and release of active substance by experimenting with a batch method to prepare a scrub with absorbent from ginger or Dalah fibers before turning into spa products.


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เขต/อำเภอ เขตดุสิต จังหวัด กรุงเทพมหานคร 10300